About Us

Scientific Council

The Scientific Council of IYALETA – Research, Sciences and Humanities is formed by 05 (five) invited associates with cultural, traditional, community, territorial and academic recognition and knowledge, and is the highest instance of the Research Association.

Mandate 2022-2026


Alcides dos Santos


Executive Coordinator of the RHOL Project - Networks of Medicinal and Liturgical Plants - in Religious Communities of African Matrix at the company Organizações Filhos do Mundo. He was President of the Municipal Council of Cultural Policy of the municipality of Lauro de Freitas (Bahia).

Luiza Cavalcante


Mother, grandmother, afro ecological farmer, popular educator. Articulated at AMNB, Instituto Candeeiro, at REGA-NE, at the ANA Women's GT. Manager of the Associação Sítio Ágatha, a Matriarchal space for agroecological, antiracist, feminist experiences and exchanges located in the Chico Mendes settlement, Tracunhaém, Mata Norte/PE.

Maria Inês Barbosa

Scientific Advisor

Social Worker; Master in Social Work; PhD in Public Health from the Faculty of Public Health at USP, a thesis on racism in health, recognized as the first work on the mortality profile of the black population in the country. She is currently an Independent Consultant, Speaker, Member of Postgraduate Examination Boards, on topics on Health Policy, Education, Affirmative Action, Gender and Racism.

Rafael Xucuru-Kariri

Scientific Advisor

Rafael Xucuru-Kariri is a political scientist, doctoral student in Social Sciences at the Federal University of Bahia, Social Policy Analyst at the Ministry of Education and belongs to the Xucuru-Kariri people. Rafael research public policies, especially indigenous policies, (auto)biographies of political leaders, indigenous letters, and archives.

Tatiane Costa

Scientific Advisor

Geographer at the Faculty of Geography and Cartography at the Federal University of Pará - UFPA. Master’s in development planning by the Nucleus of High Amazonian Studies - UFPA. PhD in Geography from the Fluminense Federal University - UFF. Geography Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará - IFPA. Areas: Human Geography, Urban Geography, Geography of the Amazon, Regional Development, Indigenous Ethnicity and Indigenous School Education.